Telling a story and changing the world are, basically, the same thing.
Check out season 2 episode #9 of the Stories of Yore and Yours podcast for two original shorts by yours truly. http://syypodcast.libsyn.com/the-signal-man-by-charles-dickens-plus-two-original-stories-by-ks-anglesey
Tacoma, WA
Nathan Edwards
Story shapes us from the inside out. It does no good to lecture and argue a point when someone is convinced of their position; however, if they relate to a character and go on a journey with that character, they might change their minds all on their own. They might not, but that is a beauty all its own. The cocooned mush of our lives can become the butterflies of our stories turning pain into treasure.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
RT @edenrobins: Just remembered a short story I wrote about a time travel gloryhole, and I don't like to throw the word genius around but
RT @RashmiPMAuthor: Hello #AuthorsOfTwitter let’s do a #writerslift Go ahead and drop your #book #links #blogs #Website #NaNoWriMo proj… https://t.co/NMWv2ecqQy
RT @caytlyn_brooke: Sold 18 books today and met so many amazing new readers!! I can't stop smiling! https://t.co/0FAR34yYBu
We had a delicious dinner last night in New Orleans. We were even lucky enough to sit next to the fantastically tal… https://t.co/ijOpi92o64
RT @blackpotmojo: Delicious seafood stuffed beignets at Loretta’s Authentic Pralines 😍 #WorldFantasyConvention2022 #nola https://t.co/pMQEqrW8yB
RT @blackpotmojo: Gordon Van Gelder, me, and Ellen Datlow https://t.co/3PngWpNAPr
RT @abdelkaderbr: It’s #ShamelessSelfPromoSunday. So, I am doing a #writerslift. Please share your #books and all your #creative… https://t.co/yv43hXz6ak
RT @EntradaBooks: Good morning! #WritingCommunity #5amwritersclub Who needs a #writerLift? Drop your #genre, #WIP, #book link,… https://t.co/N7gAvjKGs5
RT @TheSurrealAri: He stood on the #promontory. Though it was only four in the afternoon, it was already dark outside. He could not se… https://t.co/iHvvSFyAeT
RT @GBlackburnwrite: #vss365 #promontory Fingers bleeding from wedging them in crannies,I creep onto the promontory. Jagged branches of… https://t.co/dbFavwpRCx

Turning Pages Trilogy: Book 1
With the help of a mysterious stranger, her missing sister’s journal, and a little intuition, Julie Bowcutt leaves life as she knows it, to solve the mystery of her sister’s disappearance.
A fantasy story for people who have lost the thing that brings light to their lives.
Turning Pages Trilogy: Book 2
Returned home after her adventure to a new dimension, Julie Bowcutt is tormented by nightmares of destruction happening in the world she left behind.
Turning Pages Trilogy: Book 3
Desperate to make a difference, Julie Bowcutt struggles to guide the leaders of the realm in the battle against the Zulsarans, while dissenters work to undermine her every effort.
Three unlikely women combine their abilities and wisdom to solve the mystery behind bizarre deaths in their small west coast community.
An urban fantasy for women of all ages who are questioning their worth.